Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The other day we had lunch with Margot, and after we finished eating, I noticed that she looked really sad.  I asked her what was wrong.  She said, "I miss my sandwich."  I totally related to this feeling, but had never heard it expressed in such a clear and impassioned manner, that is to say, out loud. But she's right. On a regular basis, sandwiches manage to end a few bites too early. Birthday cake slices also tend to pack it in before I'm ready. Then I'm left, looking around the room and asking myself, but not out loud, "Where do I go from here?"  

Anyway, it's cool that Margot is unaffected enough to say something like, "I miss my sandwich" in public.  And who wouldn't miss a kid like that when she goes back to college? Especially after a vacation when I watched two of her wildest dreams come true. First, Margot has always loved raccoons but had never come close to touching one.  As you can see here, she let some guy's raccoon, named Celeste, crawl all over her at the beach. I was so happy for her. Also, it was truly horrifying.

Later that same day, in a second burst of great luck, a waiter referred to her as "m'lady." I had no idea that this would be such a big deal for her, but I'm also not in love with Ron Burgundy.


  1. He needs to teach Celeste how to do cornrows. He would make bank.

    That picture of Margot and Celeste made my day.

  2. I was appalled when I first saw the picture of Margot with that raccoon on her head, but then I remembered Coonie, the ratty, threadbare stuffed raccoon that Margot dragged around when she was little, and I realized what a thrill that must have been for her. Still, with the rabies and lyme disease in those creatures, she's living on the edge...
