Sunday, March 3, 2013

i SHD focus more b4 i hit send when i text BC i keep sending txts to wrong PP.  I actually don't text in shorthand, so I had to google how to abbreviate some of those words, like "people," but I thought that it would spice up my intro.

Here's an example of my problem with directing texts to the intended recipients.  Yesterday, Margot texted me that she was extremely nervous about trying out for an improv group at her school.  In response,  I texted the following message to my friend Gina, who was about to meet me for a walk on the beach: "Listen, just stay loose and be alert. Everyone there is going to be nervous today.  What a freak you'd be if you weren't!"

It wasn't until Gina texted me back, "I'm not going," that I realized what I'd done. And it was kind of ironic that I accidentally texted that particular message to Gina, because she likes to keep me on my toes by texting me, out of the blue, with this kind of provocation:  "Looking forward to your PowerPoint presentation this morning at the Coonamessett Inn.  Looks like there's a big crowd.  Where r u?"

So I'm going to slow down and look before I text.  Also, Margot called last night and told us that she got into the improv group.  It's going to be so fun to see what she does with that.  Also, it might give me some great blogging fodder.  You try to write one of these things every day.

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