Friday, February 22, 2013

The other day, my dad told me that when he wakes up in the morning, even before he opens his eyes, he roots around in his brain and usually finds a really good idea. I've been trying that lately, and it absolutely works. Wow, you know what? Right now I'm sensing that the reader who has labeled himself as "Not A Morning Person" is rolling his eyes at this practice. 

Well, it's high time that all of you NAMPs wake up and see that the rest of us are also feeling played out when the alarm goes off. We 
experience the same grogginess and dread, but we move on and try to be pleasant -- yes, even "before I've had my coffee."

Okay, I'm still feeling NAMP resistance. How about this to change a few minds: let's say all of us are stranded in the Sahara with no shelter and no water. And every day -- right when the sun is at its most deadly, and when we're all sunburned and dying of thirst -- right then is when everyone has to tiptoe around Phyllis, who says she's "Not A Desert Person."

So go ahead and find the brilliance that is waiting for you when you first wake up. Today it dawned on me to write about NAMPs and I think we can all agree that it was a good idea.

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