Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dear Followers:  

Every now and then I will highlight a comment of yours that gives legs to one of my blog posts.  This one is from my old friend, genius writer and funny man, Scott Mackey.  He is commenting on the helpful strategy I laid out about hanging up on yourself, or hanging up the phone while you are talking, to escape delicate situations:

"Connie, this works - I've done it. But you're not done with the hang-up. Immediately after disconnecting, you need to pull the phone off the hook because when they call you back (and they will), the phone will be busy so they'll assume you're trying to call THEM back. After waiting a sufficient amount of busy time, hang up and then leave the house."

Scott, thank you, that is brilliant, and we will all benefit from the adjunct trickery.  And now everyone, if you don't mind, I'll need to mention my old friend, co-worker and funny man, Pat Smith, because if I mention Scott Mackey, and overlook Pat, I'll get an angry phone call during which I'll need to hang up on myself and then do that thing Scott just said. 

Also this:  Jerry Dathe! I love you and thanks for the comment on using Solar Cones for composting because this turtle is sure to fly too close to the sun.