Monday, October 7, 2013

Like lots of people my age, I use flash cards from Urban Dictionary to help me memorize the latest slang terms. Here's some slang I came across today that pertains to text messaging:

"EXting" is texting your old boyfriend or girlfriend.

"Hexting" could be EXting, only also putting a curse on him/her.

"Flexting" is doing flirtatious texts.

"Vexting" is sending upsetting texts.

"Vortexting" is an overly dramatic text that draws uninvolved people into an angst-y situation.

Here are a few more that I made up, which I feel are really going to take off: 

"Texmexting" is texting a Mexican restaurant for take out. 

"Latexting" is an SOS text like, "you got condoms over there bro?"

"Oedipus Rexting" is when a guy sexts his mother.

"Chexting" is when you text your mom: "we out of cereal lady."

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