Friday, October 18, 2013

I'm so happy to be visiting my daughter Margot in Turks and Caicos, where she's doing her semester abroad, studying marine science-y stuff with her amazing new friends. And while that sounds super glam, they are living very simply, taking salt water showers and washing their clothes by beating them on rocks, like in the Bible.

Margot and her friends are on a five day break and Bo and I met them at a modern hotel, flush with fresh water. I've never seen people more excited and grateful for simple pleasures.

When I first laid eyes on Margot, she looked so different -- so tanned and salt-encrusted, like the good side of a Triscuit. "I'm resisting the urge to lick you to see how salty you are," I said to her (okay, I know that sounds weird, but I knew she would understand.  Margot doesn't like going to art museums because she's afraid that she'll lick the paintings).

"What do you want to do first?" I asked her as she set foot into the air-conditioned hotel room.

"How about the opposite of a salt water shower," she said.

"So, pepper spray?"

"Haha, no," she said. "I think I'm gonna take a two hour bath."

"You are crazy filthy," I said, motioning her into the bathroom. "Get in the tub, woman. And if you like it then you better put a ring on it."

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