Friday, November 15, 2013

I was reading about haiku the other day and I mentioned to Bo that I find that kind of poetry interesting because of the structure of seventeen syllables, divided into three lines of five, seven and five beats. They're like limericks, which of course I love, but more sensitively written and there's no rhyming.

Well, for reasons I'll never understand, Bo wasn't listening to me. So for a punishment, I got a piece of paper and a pencil and asked him to write a haiku for me, reminding him that they often describe the essence of a poignant experience.

Slick new saddle shoes
Made you slip in the lobby
Of course people clapped.

Technically, he nailed it. Then I remembered that haiku traditionally have something to do with nature, so I asked him to redo it in that vein.

Slick new saddle shoes
Made you slip in the lobby
It was raining out.


  1. I've always liked haikus, but I had forgotten the structure thing. Thanks for reminding me about the 5-7-5 rule.
    The tests they came back
    And the baby was green-like
    Pop was alien.

    I see a new boat-game in our future....

  2. fun haiku Bo write
    don't comprain oh miss connie
    he reave you for sure
