Thursday, May 30, 2013

Since this is senior citizen appreciation week on this blog, I'll tell you that when Margot and Greta were four and three, we were driving down Main Street in our town and, as part of some kind of Family Day, the nursing home had a bouncy castle set up in front of it. Margot looked out the window and said, "Hey, why is there a bouncy castle at the nursing home?" And Greta said, "Because old people are lucky." 

1 comment:

  1. when Em was about 6 or 7 Mick was forcing her to clean out her closets. she didn't want to give anything up. Mick tried to teach her about charity and helping the poor. she pointed out that all these clothes - that didn't fit her anymore - would help some poor kids who had nothing. "I hate poor people...they get everything!" was the reply. I don't think she hates them still. not sure though.
