Thursday, April 25, 2013

I was at the vet today, sitting tight and trying to keep my dog from biting other sick animals.  Boredom set in and I began to read the inspirational animal art on the walls, starting with one that had the caption, "We humans are indeed fortunate if we happen to be chosen to be owned by a cat." I snapped a photo of it quickly because I didn't want anyone to see me snapping a photo of it.

I don't want to sound negative, so I'll just state that, obviously, I can't say enough about this framed print. And it may surprise you to know that its element that stood out the most for me was the word "indeed." Let's face it, most of the time, "indeed" is a snooty and unnecessary addition. Put it in any sentence, and it's like all the other words were having a great time at a party until Indeed came along and started counting everybody's drinks. Indeed is kind of a bitch who comments on your hair and then leaves you rolling your eyes as she sashays off after educating you about something lofty, like French film.

Okay, wait a minute. Indeed is really starting to sound like a girl's name to me, like Indira, or Sinead. You could name a baby Indeed, especially if you wanted to stick it to people who refused to believe you were actually pregnant. Which somehow reminds me of that fantastic tombstone that reads, "I told you I was sick!"

I'd just like to add that, in the expression, "yes indeedy," the word "indeed" loses some of its big talk.  Yes Indeedy is who Indeed becomes on the rare occasion that she has too much loudmouth at a cocktail party. Still annoying, but flaky and easier to brush off.  


  1. Hell, why didn't you just knock that insipid poster off the wall! Indeed, it would have been a public service.
