Thursday, April 10, 2014

I haven't written anything lately because of some injuries I sustained while drinking out of a mason jar. I cut my face up pretty badly on a savagely jagged thread at the jar's opening. Puzzler: why do they have to put that screw-shaped stuff right where your mouth goes? 

The jar that got me had been chipped up during the time that Bo was using our mason jars out in the garage to organize his nails and screws and washers. But when I found out that these jars were being re-repurposed for household glassware, I ran right out there and dumped all that whatnot on his workbench. When he objected, I said, "Don't be silly! And also, can you straighten up the garage? We're having people over for drinks in mason jars." 

That same week, I scalded the palm of my right hand when I served myself some nice, hot black coffee in a mason jar. And yes, I did know that they make mason jars with handles like this one:

But I refuse to purchase these things because I'm a purist and it looks all wrong and makes no sense. Next thing you know, people will start putting lids on coffee cups.

But today my pain level is down to the point where I can almost think about something to write. And though my right hand remains bandaged, I can still type about 40 WPM (Words Per Minute) with my left hand going it alone. So here's what's on my mind. We all know that pretty soon, none of us will be drinking out of mason jars and we'll move onto something else to drink out of. Just like when we quit drinking out of baskets and started drinking out of mason jars. I'm going to figure out what that next thing is. And just so you know, this will make me the innovator, you guys the early adopters, and the people who continue using mason jars, the dirty laggards. 

Next time: Get a jump on cutting edge glassware. 

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