Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dear Those of You Who Are In College:

You'll be coming home shortly for your holiday break and people my age will be asking you: a) How are you liking college? b) What are you majoring in? c) What do you plan to do after you graduate? 

Fifty-somethings know that you guys find these questions annoying, but we can't stop ourselves from asking them because a) we want to connect with you, b) we're genuinely interested in how you are doing and c) we're excited to hear what your plans are. At the same time, we never expect you to reciprocate and ask us questions about our lives and our plans because a) you never have.

So, if you want to dodge this type of questioning and quickly get back to living your life, just turn the tables on us and ask what's up with us, or what our plans are. Guaranteed, it will go something like this:

Me: Oh my gosh! It's so great to see you! How are you? How's school?

You: Great! What have you been up to?


Okay, three great things have just happened to you: a) you got around answering the questions, b) you saved a ton of time -- time that could be used to catch up on your sleep, and c) you will be remembered by me as the only person your age who ever asked me what I've been up to.

After the exchange, things aren't going to be so rosy for me. I will a) spend the rest of the day wondering why I couldn't answer your simple question, b) sign up for an art class, and c) book plane tickets to Tuscaloosa for a Habitat for Humanity gig. 

But truly? It would be worth all of it just to see you walk through the door.

Love, Connie

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