Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I love everything about getting presents, except when I get lots of them at someone else's house and no one thinks to help me carry them out to the car. I'm pretty tapped into when and why presents happen and I'm always open to it. So it's funny that I didn't know that gifts women receive from their husbands when they have new babies are called push presents.

Of course, I had heard about ladies getting jewelry on the day they delivered, but there was no name for it and I wasn't that interested. It's not that I believe the baby itself is reward enough on the day you push it out, not at all. It's just that I really don't wear jewelry, so I don't know what would have been the right push present for me. Maybe a lamp. Definitely not a puppy.

I read that the phenomenon is big in England and I heard that Kate Middleton got a ring when she pushed out the future king. Push presents should become a thing here too, right? But let's put a new spin on it. So say the doctor has to go in and break your water. Well, in America, that calls for a push-pin present, which is usually some kind of brooch. But what if you need to have a c-section and there's no pushing? In our land, you'd get a pull present, which could be a nice lawn mower or a small outboard motor.

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