Thursday, November 14, 2013

"Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" is an expression you don't hear very much anymore because it's not ethically correct to put babies in harm's way. So, too bad for us, now there's no real way to cleverly say, "let's not get rid of something good in our efforts to weed out the bad." However, if you knew in advance that you were actually going to throw your baby out with the bathwater, it would be cool to name it "Jettison."


  1. You think the baby out with the bath water is bad? When labor lawyers mediate a contract we have a familiar phrase: oh yeah, the mediator wants to cut the baby in half. And that phrase shows no sign of a PC demise.

  2. If you knew ahead of time that you were going to be throwing out twins, it would be cool to name the second one Bob.
