Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My mom cautioned me -- never talk about your dogs at a party. "No one really wants to hear it," she said. "It's like being at the DMV counter. What you are saying is not getting through to a soul, and there's a long line of people behind you who all have boring stories to tell."

Maybe that's why I never write about our pets, Isa (a Westie) and Toby (a Scottie), preferring to focus on Natasha (a Turtle). For those of you who want an update on Natasha, she's fine, and rapidly outgrowing her oversized and decor-destroying aquarium. I wish there was something I could do to make Natasha stay the same size -- kind of like when I used to wear two bras to bed.

Anyway, I will share with you that Isa got in big trouble for digging a giant hole in our yard:

At first she seemed sad and sorry for making such a mess, but later I found this selfie of her in which she looks not sad and not sorry:


  1. Connie, this same thing happened to me when I was a kid and my mom was every bit as mad. I just want to remind you that every kid, at least once, needs to try to dig to China. I think you need to lighten up a bit on poor Isa. Also, my bet is Toby has a paw in this as well.

  2. Well, you can lead a dog to dirt but you can't make her dig unless she's a pain in the ass white Westie....
