Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Here's a great new party idea. If your friends say that they want to throw you a birthday bash, and they ask you what kind of cake you want, just say, "Hmm, well, if it's all the same to you guys, I'd rather have a trifle." For those of you who don't know what a trifle is, it looks like this:

At the party, after everyone sings "Happy Birthday To You" to you, make sure you are at the wheel during dessert divvying. Then, begin scooping trifle on the plates, but before you pass them, take a large bite of each friend's portion.  People will be amazed by what you are doing. 

This is exactly the kind of thing that happened at a birthday party that was held last Saturday in my honor. To be fair, it was my sister, Julie, who leaned in and whispered the idea in my ear. But the dramatic and fork-free execution of the concept, and the hearty stick-to-itiveness of eating a dense dessert item from the plates of so many people? That was all me. The party quickly took on a new and different vibe, memories were surely made, and it was a real shame that lots of my friends had to go home then, when I was having such a great time. 

Note: If you plan to attempt this at your own birthday party, it's important to understand that it will not work with birthday cake. People become possessive of cake slices and may find your actions disappointing and gross. 

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