Friday, March 8, 2013

It doesn't occur too often, but every now and then, a person can slam her thumb in a drawer and the resulting bruise will look just like the campaign symbol for the guy she desperately wants to be re-elected as President of the United States.  Well, this very thing happened to me last summer, and even though it hurt like hell, I'd do it all over again because it's exhilarating to be part of a presidential campaign. 

From July to November, 2012, my "Obama Bruise" became a victory-promising icon for me and my friends, (D-MAs).  And even when Obama's popularity dropped in the polls, his logo rose up the nail bed of my thumb, giving us all HOPE

Fast forward to yesterday. My friend, Nat Ross, showed me a nail bed bruise on his index finger.  And I felt sorry for him until he said these words, "Jeb Bush 2016."  Well, Nat, I'm sorry, it just doesn't work that way.  First of all, you can't start a campaign injury for someone who is "keeping his options open."  Second, your "Bush Bruise*" lacks the 2-color format and definition of shape that my tribute to Obama brought to the table. Also, I'm pretty sure that it goes in this order:  1) Campaign team designs candidate's logo, 2) People are free to hurt themselves and hope for a bruise/candidate match up.       

*The appearance of a Bush Bruise on Mr. Ross' finger does not signify his support for Jeb Bush in 2016.