Monday, January 20, 2014

I woke up this morning feeling sorry for sunrises. People are super busy when the sun comes up, so they mostly put watching the process on the back burner. Sunrises are completely eclipsed by sunsets, who arrive shimmering at cocktail parties, looking fabulous and diverting everyone's attention, like Ginger on Gilligan's Island. Sunrises are definitely the Mary Anns of light's daily routine. 

But hold it, wouldn't people rather see Mary Ann than Ginger when they open their eyes every morning? Isn't Mary Ann the one who lights up a room with her natural beauty? Isn't she the useful one who bakes coconut pies, rides the bicycle-powered wash machine invented by The Professor (RIP!), catches fish and fends off cannibals before anyone else is awake? Isn't Mary Ann the one we really like better?  Okay, now I feel sorry for sunsets.

Sunrise, Sunset

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